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Select Rooms / Guests

  • Room
  • Adults
  • Children

This is the number of guests per room.

Additional charges may apply if the number of people in the room exceeds the standard number of people.

Children: 4-12 years old

    Business Party

    We'll make you
    a successful business party

    Business Party

    Sound On
    Sound Off

      Business Party

      Based on the know-how accumulated through experience in hosting events of various sizes,
      With stable, planned events and skilled and sophisticated service
      We'll make you a successful business party.

        Business Party
        We present various events with dignity such as international meetings, receptions, seminars, year-end parties, New Year's parties, appreciation meetings, board of directors and regular general meetings, inauguration ceremonies, etc.
        Based on the accumulated know-how of Central Park Hotel, we will create a successful business party with stable and planned events and skilled and sophisticated services.
        Reservations & Inquiries

        Variety Banquet Hall

        We're preparing for a promotion.
        Please look forward to the hot promotion of Songdo Central Park Hotel,
        which has a different sense.