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Select Rooms / Guests

  • Room
  • Adults
  • Children

This is the number of guests per room.

Additional charges may apply if the number of people in the room exceeds the standard number of people.

Children: 4-12 years old

    The Central Park Hotel

      The Central Park Hotel

      Customer Support

      We will answer your questions about Songdo Central Park Hotel.

        Songdo Central Park Hotel


        • 193, Techno Park-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

        Contact us

        Voice of Customers

        We will do our best to actively reflect your opinions and improve them.

        01. Fill your details below. Required input

        • Undetermined

        02. Please write down your inquiry.

        We're preparing for a promotion.
        Please look forward to the hot promotion of Songdo Central Park Hotel,
        which has a different sense.